UDC 674.038; JEL 674.038 Ishchuk, S. O., & Sozanskyy, L. Y. (2019). Resursne zabezpechennya derevoobrobnykh vyrobnytstv Ukrayiny: mizhderzhavni i mizhrehional'ni porivnyannya [Resources provision of woodworking industries in Ukraine: cross-national and inter-regional comparisons]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 145-154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2019-3-15. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 7
ResumeSufficient supply of woodworking with raw materials while preserving the ecology and rational use of wood is a necessary condition for the functioning of the woodworking industry as one of the key segments of the national economy. The issue is of particular importance given the deepening of world integration processes and the introduction of a moratorium on timber exports from Ukraine. It actualizes the study of the state and dynamics of the formation of raw materials potential of domestic woodworks. The purpose of the article is a structural and dynamic assessment of the economic and environmental aspects of formation of the resource potential of Ukrainian woodworks in comparison with the countries of the European Union, as well as in the regional section by types of wood. In the structure of merchantable wood harvested in Ukraine, fuel wood share increased by 4.3 pp. during 2011-2016, whereas in 2017 it increased by 3.8 pp. compared to 2016 and amounted to 61.4%. Unlike in Ukraine, in the vast majority of EU countries business timber is the basis of the structure of harvested merchantable timber. Thus, in the neighboring countries with similar forest landscape – Poland and the Czech Republic – the share of fuel wood in 2017 was 11.6% and 12.3%, in Slovakia – only 6.3%, and in the EU as a whole – 23. 2%. Hence, the significant deterioration of the structure of the harvested merchantable timber in Ukraine can be interpreted as a threat to environmental, and therefore to national security. On the other hand, the results of the assessments revealed an increase in the volume of commercial timber harvesting in Ukraine (in 18 regions) in 2018, as well as in the level of forest reproduction in the leading regions from the harvesting of merchantable timber (Zhytomyr, Kyiv and Rivne regions) and a decrease in the death rate. The restoration of the logical patterns between the dynamics of the loss of stands and the harvesting of commercial and fuel wood are signs of the beginning of positive tendencies in ensuring the preservation and rationalization of raw potential of domestic woodworks and, at the same time, improving the conditions for deepening the level of wood processing. Further authors’ research in this area will be devoted to the search for effective forms of wood industry development in Ukraine, in particular in the Western region.
Keywords:woodworking, logging, structure, liquid wood, business wood, fuel wood
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