Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.1(477)
Storonyans'ka, I. Z. (2008). Protsesy konverhentsiyi / dyverhentsiyi sotsial'no-ekonomichnoho rozvytku rehioniv Ukrayiny: pidkhody do otsinky [The estimation of Convergence/Divergence Processes in Social-Economic Development of Ukrainian Regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 73-84. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The developed method of estimation of influencing of integration processes is presented on convergence of socio-economic development of regions of Ukraine which includes the analysis of s-convergence and b-convergence and allows to estimate spatial clasterization of rates of development of regions. The method is used for estimation of Ukrainian regions development; the processes of convergence/divergence processes in social-economic development of Ukrainian regions in context of s- and b-convergence are analyzed. On the base of estimation of parameters of model of minimal conditional convergence the author checks the hypothesis of space clasterization of middle speed in region development availability. On the base of using of factor analyses method the main factors of dynamic of regional social-economic development (that determined trajectory and dynamic of regional development and determined convergent or divergent type of regional development) are lighten out, that permit to proposed the main ways of overcoming its asymmetry. 
convergence/divergence processes, regional social-economic development, speed of regional development