Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.45:61]:311+314
Levyts'ka, O. O. (2008). Formuvannya intehral'noho indeksu zdorovya naselennya [Forming of Public Health Integral Index]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 85-97. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The improvement of public health and bringing in all necessary facilities for this purpose must become a strategic priority in state and regional policy on the way of demographic crisis overcoming in Ukraine. The method of public health integral index forming, which enables carrying out grounded comparison of health level not only in temporal but also spatial vectors, is offered. The method will serve as a basis for determination of key problems in public health and directions of its improvement both in a region and in a country on the whole. 
public health, health level, health integral index