Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48:330.3:332.1
Dinu, V., & Hapenciuc, C. V. (2008). The Durable Touristic Development Based on Regional Studies. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 130-143.

Sources: 12

The living environment, resources and visitor satisfaction must be regularly checked to secure their sustainability. If a problem appears, with any one factor, a system should be developed to correct the problem and restore the balance. A plan should be prepared to pursue comprehensive measures in order to secure the sustainability of resources, the living environment and visitor satisfaction. Some measures in securing sustainability of resources could be: discovery and rediscovery of resources, enhancement of resources value, balance between use and conservation. Securing sustainability of the living environment means conservation and improvement of the living environment. To secure the sustainability of visitor satisfaction, these measures should be taken: better hospitality, information availability and sharing, securing a comfortable travel environment. 
durable tourism, questionnaire questioning, natural areas