Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [336.763.34:339.747](73):336(477)
Romanchukevych, V. V. (2008). Ipotechna kryza v SShA ta yiyi mozhlyvyy vplyv na finansovu systemu Ukrayiny [Mortgage Crisis in the USA and its Possible Influence on the Financial System of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 48(2), 192-197. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 7

The problems of currency-financial disbalances which influence on the state of the banking system of Ukraine have been analysed, a range of measures of the National bank of Ukraine with the purpose of the strengthening of financial stability and diminishing of dependence of the banking system on the external borrowings, and also the possible consequences of the influencing of negative tendencies on the financial system of Ukraine in the case of the deepening of world financial crisis have been determined. 
external borrowings, golden rule, inflation, mortgage crisis, National bank of Ukraine, foreign currency crediting risk