Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2008.04.163

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library Kolisnyk, M. K., & Smikh, K. E. (2008). Stan pidpryyemstv mashynobuduvannya v Ukrayini i mozhlyvi shlyakhy vykhodu z kryzy za dopomohoyu stratehiyi intehratsiyi [Condition of Machine-Building Enterprises in Ukraine and Possible Ways Out of Crisis by Strategy of Integration]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 50(4), 163-173. [in Ukrainian].



Condition of enterprises in machine-building branch in 2004-2007, in particular amount of marketed industrial products, import and export of this products, financial results from usual activity before taxation of machine-building enterprises has been studied. Advantages and stages of the integration strategy for getting out of crisis of analyzed enterprises have been described. A list of machine building enterprises of the western areas of the Ukraine, which can be included into integrated association, has been offered.


machine-building, condition of enterprises, crisis, strategy, strategy of integration, integration association

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