Scientific and practical journal

Scientific and practical journal "Regional Economy" was founded in 1996. ISSN 1562–0905 Scientific and Practical Journal "Regional Economy" is one of the leading refereed academic journals in Ukraine on topical issues of regional and local development, published every quarter (four times a year). It covers a wide range of issues related to economic research in the following areas:
The journal publishes official materials, notifications, reviews to provide scientists, researchers, representatives of authorities and experts with the opportunity to present the results of their scientific research and practical experience.
The journal publishes official materials, notifications, reviews to provide scientists, researchers, representatives of authorities and experts with the opportunity to present the results of their scientific research and practical experience. Information on the Journal is available on the Internet at the websites:
Regional Economy Journal publishes the papers after preliminary review and evaluation of Editorial Board. The decisive criteria for papers selection for publishing in the Journal are: innovative nature, new scientific findings, relevance and practical value. Editorial Board of Scientific and Practical Journal «Regional Economy» welcomes cooperation with domestic authors (scientists and experts), as well as with foreign authors, who dwell on the issues of regions’ development in their research. The Editorial Board seeks to make the Journal the place of interest for broad spectrum of readers. Publisher: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. Regional Economy Journal is re-registered in the List of Ukrainian Professional Publications in the Sphere of Economic Sciences approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Nr 1021 in October 7, 2015. The Journal has been included in the international scientometrics base Index Copernicus, Poland since 2012. Bibliometric profile of journal in Google Scholar. For 22-year history of the journal came out from print 86 issues, in which numerous authors have published own papers - researchers, teachers and graduates in various sectors of the regional economy. Web page for subscription of the journal «Regional economy». |