Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2010.03.063

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library Kushniretska, O. V., & Demydiuk, O. M. (2010). Teoretychni pidkhody do vyznachennya suti orhanizatsiyno-ekonomichnoho mekhanizmu upravlinnya sotsial'no-ekonomichnym rozvytkom rehionu [Theoretical Approaches to Determination of Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Regional Socio-Economic Development Management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 57(3), 63-70. [in Ukrainian].



Conceptual bases and theoretical approaches to determination of organizational and economic mechanism of management of regional socio-economic development are examined; essence and interpretation of such categorial constituents of organizational and economic mechanism of management of regional socio-economic development as management mechanism, management levers and aims of regional development are analyzed. System and functional approaches to determination of maintenance of organizational-economic mechanism of management of regional socio-economic development are examined; description and classification of aims of regional socio-economic development are outlined; classification of aims of socio-economic development is conducted.


region, management, mechanism, organizational-economic mechanism, aims of regional development

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