UDC 331.5:351.84:339.92:330.837 Ilyash, O. I., & Vasyltsiv, T. G. (2011). Napryamy udoskonalennya instytutsional'noho zabezpechennya rozvytku ta lehalizatsiyi rynku pratsi v systemi sotsial'noyi bezpeky rehioniv [Directions of Institutional Maintenace Improvement of Labour Market Development and Legalization in the System of Regional Social Security]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 184-191. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 12
ResumeThe features of labour market institutes functioning in the system of regional social security are outlined. The shortcomings of labour market institutional maintenance are defined. Legal, administrative, organizational and economic directions of labour market and employment legalization are offered.
Keywords:social security of region, labour market, institutionalization, legalization, employment, social threats, dangers of social sphere