Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2012.02.109

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 336:[338.45:620.9]:332.1
Voznyuk, M. A., & Pyatak, V. A. (2012). Finansuvannya enerhozberihayuchykh tekhnolohiy kompaniyi NEFKO, rehional'nyy dosvid ta zavdannya [Funding for Energy-Saving Technologies by NEFCO, Regional Experiences and Challenges]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 64(2), 109-114. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11



The issues of the energy-saving technologies importance, the possibilities of energy-saving projects implementation and mechanisms of their funding are outlined. The examples of completed projects on energy saving financed by NEFCO are presened. A program of activities and tasks for the implementation of NEFCO experience in Ukraine is proposed.


energy saving, friendly production, program activities, energy efficiency, financial institution

Web Master P. Popadiuk