Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2013.02.193

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC [330.341.1:339.923]:477
Zemlyankin, A. I., & Pidorycheva, I. Yu. (2013). Nova innovatsiyna polityka Yevropeys'koho Soyuzu: dosvid dlya Ukrayiny [New Innovation Policy of the European Union: the Experience for Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 68(2), 193-202. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 8



The experience of the European Union in the formation and implementation of the innovation policy at the European, national and regional levels is analyzed. The proposals concerning the conditions and possibilities of its using at the national and regional levels in Ukraine are worked out. The mechanisms for managing the innovative sphere are defined provided that the national economy passes to the stage of the development based on their own innovations.


localization, regional development, new innovation policy, European experience, mechanisms for innovation management

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