Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2013.03.094

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.162:331.522.4:[332.122:338.43]:[339.9:061.1]
Borshchevsky, V. V., & Zlydnyk, Yu. R. (2013). Aksiolohichni zasady formuvannya lyuds'koho potentsialu sil's'kykh terytoriy: yevrointehratsiynyy kontekst [Axiological Principles in Formation of Human Potential of Rural Territories: the Context of Eurointegration]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 69(3), 94-104. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 21



Main directions for formation of human potential on rural territories in the context of eurointegration of Ukraine are researched. The influence of the Protestant ethics on the formation of European values ideology in rural territories is reviewed. Correlation between collective-state farming in Soviet period and the mentality of rural inhabitants in Ukraine nowadays is analyzed. The necessity of consideration of axiological basics in formation of rural territories’ human potential is substantiated. Emphasis is focused on priority of European value landmarks for increase of human potential of rural territories of Ukraine.


axiological basics, human potential, rural territories, eurointegration

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