Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.02.048

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 316.752.4:[332.122:911.375]
Kushniretska, O. V. (2014). Konfliktohennist' mis'koho prostoru: pidkhody do doslidzhennya v umovakh metropolizatsiyi [Conflict potential of urban space: approaches to research in terms of metropolization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 48-56. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 19



Modern civilization development demonstrates the inevitability of an emergence of economic, social, environmental, communicative, psychological and moral conflicts, which are particularly significant in terms of metropolization and rising of subject-object social interactions in urban space. In this regard, the study of conflict in urban space, especially in its correlation with contemporary processes of globalization and metropolization and knowledge of the causes and nature of conflict is particularly relevant. The processes of urbanization and globalization as the major civilizational processes of modernity, manifested in the transformation of the city’s vision for the social sciences. Dynamic processes of transformation of urban spaces and processes metropolization show that the city is not only the localization of potential opportunities for human development and society, but also the epicenter of conflict trends, which causes constructive or destructive socio-economic change processes and phenomena.

The city at present is not so much a form of settlement or the organization of production as a form of social community, the essential feature of which is the integration of the different ways of life into a single system that develops, has its own laws and mechanisms to maintain order and stability.

The socio - spatial approach to the interpretation of urbanization leads to consider it as a complex sociocultural process intensification of social interactions in urban space. Manifestations of conflicts degree of conflict of the urban environment are dependent on the rank of cities in the global urban graduation, namely, that higher levels of the hierarchy are urban city environment, the denser and subject-object interactions become more frequent, respectively, over likely become more pronounced and conflicts.

Concentration of control and management functions in the model of metropolitan city reveals a potential conflict in the form of distortion of employment, space-class polarization of population, social tension, emotional-mental and informational saturation space. Therefore, the priority areas for further research of conflict in terms of urban space metropolization is the allocation of factors of conflict and developing conflict resolution models that have become the basis of application developments recommendations for planning and forecasting of regional development and urban development, what will be devoted to further research of the author.


conflict, conflict potential, city, space, metropolization

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