Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.02.066

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 331.556.4:332:364.48
Bil, M. M. (2014). Problemy formuvannya i rozvytku infrastruktury terytorial'nykh mihratsiynykh system [The problems of infrastructure forming and development for regional migration systems]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 66-73. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 9



The content of such basic characteristics of regional migration as structure, architecture and infrastructure was delineated in the article. The essence of regional infrastructure migration systems with an emphasis on the need to construct the system was defined. The shape of objects of general and special purpose real or virtualized locations that define the living conditions of the workers, but also can offer the services of resident population was noted. The role of infrastructure development of migration regulation, determination of the attractiveness migration of the territories forming migration networks and causing their transformations in the migration system was pointed.

The functional significance of an adequate level of infrastructure facilities in general and special purpose was substantiated. The development of infrastructure facilities should take place with the enforcement of preventive, redistributive and transformative functions of migration were proved. Effective migration of infrastructure functionality should manifest in terms of both the welfare of migrant workers and their families, and other members of the historical homeland. Business infrastructure facilities should be designed to promote the social integration of immigrants, support for social justice, including the relatively permanent population.

A scheme of regional infrastructure migration in the context of the valuation of the load on its objects between resident population and migrant people was built. The scope of general purpose infrastructure facilities in terms of welfare and socio-cultural was systematized. The problems of specific infrastructure systems migration between Ukraine and Poland with frequent displays of illegal activities at the visa registration and other services were founded. Increasing migration activity by European policy leads to conscious speculation on the part of individual actors in order to provide requested services to migrants and receiving in return unreasonably high returns was proved. Consistency of this action led to the formation of illegal infrastructure special purpose. The necessity of dealing with population propensities to consume these services and the role of civil society organizations in monitoring the subjective sphere of commercialization basic needs of migrants was pointed. The regions of Ukraine have developed primarily infrastructural facilities aimed at immigrant service and to stimulate circulating migration guideline for selective migration policy approaches was proved. The importance of such measures in force regulating the migration of reality through infrastructure provision migration systems was specified.


infrastructure maintenance, infrastructure facilities, territorial migration system, migration networks, functionality of migration systems

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