Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.02.156

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 33:504:614(477.83)
Rybchynska, O. R. (2014). Osnovni peredumovy ta napryamky realizatsiyi kontseptsiyi «rozumnoho mista» na prykladi mista L'vova [Main preconditions and directions of realization of the «Smart city» concept implementation in Lviv taking into account world experience]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 72(2), 156-166. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 21



The noticeable rise in energy consumption, rapid environmental degradation, a significant functioning complications of the urban economy and urban interrelations increase the interest in the sustainable economic development in terms of urban agglomerations that provides, the implementation within the concept of “smart cities” complex of three interconnected components - economic, environmental and social. Powerful challenges for innovation in the field of urban planning is needed: better planning of urban areas, expanding educational work, to understand the importance of changes in the field of urban planning among population, the development of renewable energy, energy supply and transport systems, increase the number of green areas.

In order to stimulate reasonableness of their cities industrialized countries introduce a number of initiatives aimed to introduce energy saving technologies, improving the efficiency of urban environmental management and urban landscape. Nowadays a lot of cities have adopted the concept of “smart cities” as their main line of their activities that has alredy reflected favorable results, for example in Denmark, Germany, Sweden, the United States and other countries. Relevant initiatives are increasingly affecting Eastern Europe, particularly Poland and the Czech Republic. However, there are obstacles to the implementation of the concept of “smart cities” in most of the countries because of a lack of funding but legislative incentives are designed to give a push to modernization measures. Without exception our cities fall out of “smart” tendencies because of superficial understanding or unfortunate combination of all the necessary components of a “smart city”, or even complete neglection of them.

There is a feeling that the Ukrainian cities “stopped” on the model of XX-th century cities, focusing on zoning under extremely quick, administratively planned land use, leading to uncontrolled urban sprawl. It is assumed that all the citizens looks alike and have the same needs, but as a result the desire to unified solutions leads to the impossibility of sustainable urban development that provides for the adoption of new modern standards - the planning of urban areas and landscaping principles.

Based on the experience abroad, important preconditions for the ‘smart city’ concept implementation in Ukraine in general and Lviv city in particular are elaborated. Our proposals: creating opportunities for the development and improvement of housing and communal services, through new projects, using the latest technologies of “green” constructions, on previous expirience and adaptation to environmental conditions of the region; reduce power consumption by using self-control technologies; modernization of existing heating and transport systems, taking into account examples and expirience of developed countries, and others steps, aimed at Ukraine’s city development to modern international tendencies are proposed.


«smart growth», «smart city», «passive house», «green» construction

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