Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.03.171

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC [322.122:338.43]:330.341.1:339.137
Kulish, I. M. (2014). Napryamy pidvyshchennya konkurentospromozhnosti sil's'kykh terytoriy: innovatsiynyy kontekst [Directions of increasing of competitiveness of rural areas: innovative context]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 73(3), 171-180. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 23



The article considers the dependence of competitiveness of rural territories of Ukraine on their innovation capabilities. The basic directions of increase of competitiveness of rural Ukraine are shown. Under the urbanization of rural areas one should understand their transition to a qualitatively new format of life, which involves aligning opportunity of peasants and townspeople while preserving differences in the nature of the work. Was emphasized that in the present context the key to of this is the availability of an innovative component of the area. Benefits for of rural territories, that are provided by scientific and technical progress are highlighted. It is proved that science and technology are the cause of reducing the number of persons employed in agriculture, and hence the rural population. Decrease in rural population does not mean the stagnation of rural areas. It is shown that without proper economic factors of social organization innovative development are ineffective. Was determined that the competitiveness of rural territories of is formed only in a harmonious combination of scientific, technological, institutional and human aspects. In today’s environment of limited financial resources that could potentially be used for the development of rural territories Ukraine, is problematic to carry out innovations by introducing new technologies and procurement the latest technology, the acquisition of elite seed material, and so it makes sense to give primary priority to areas that are insufficiently developed whose economic activities are related to rural areas that do not require large investments. For this purpose analysis of reserves of innovativeness of rural territories of Ukraine are made and determined that the most popular among them, due to global demand, is the production of organic agricultural products and rural tourism. Global trend of comparison of the performance with environmental component of agricultural production is noted. It is proved that by national standards, organic production can not be attributed to innovation. Using Oslo Manual expirience factors that belong to the goals and outcomes of innovation for the production of organic products are allocated. Achievements of national science, aimed at creation of new plant varieties and animal breeds are shown. Weak link between research institutions and farmers is underlined. Is emphasized on the need for state-level continuous monitoring of innovation in rural areas around the world and creation of conditions for their implementation in Ukraine.


rural development, innovation, competitiveness, socio-economic development, Oslo Manual

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