Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2014.04.048

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.53(477)
Shkvarchuk, L. O. (2014). Rehional'ni osoblyvosti tsinovykh kolyvan' na spozhyvchomu rynku [Regional features of price fuctuations at the consumer market]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 74(4), 48-54. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 4



The tendencies of regional consumer price indexes are investigated in the article. It is proved that disproportions of regional economic development are largely infuenced on differentiation of population standards of living. A regional cost-of-living-index characterizes the level of heterogeneity of regions development. Prices in different regions change variously. There are some typical features of regional price changes in the conditions of stable economy, but it’s diffcult to determine such features in the crisis economy. The types of price regional rejections are discovered. The high level of regional prices diversifcation indicates an increase in disproportion of regional growth. But a depth of regional differentiation of prices is insignifcant. The risk of regional prices differentiation went down during the last year. The current economic crisis has more consequences for the economy of different regions, than previous, and the standard of population living changes over the country. The presence of left-side asymmetry in regional distribution of cost-of-living-indexes, that testifes to higher frequency of appearance the negative rejections on regional cost-of-living-indexes, than positive, is educed. It seems that in most cases the regional cost-of-living-indexes are below the mean of country value. The main attention in the article paid to determining basic concepts and delineation of conceptual foundations of regional price disparity which includes the distinction between the level of prices on custom goods and per capita incomes, is determined. The features of forming prices disparities are identifed. It’s proved that regional price disparity has both a negative and positive pressure on the development of regional economy and standards of living on its population. Attention is focused on the role of public policy in the smoothing of contradictions of regional price disparity.


regional prices, regional disproportions of development, differentiation of consumer prices, price disparity

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