Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2015.01.079

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 331.55:316.422:008:332.1
Semiv, L. K. (2015). Vplyv novitnikh yavyshch osvitn'oyi mihratsiyi na polityku modernizatsiyi sotsial'no-kul'turnoyi sfery rehionu [The impact of new phenomena of educational migration on the policy of socio-cultural sphere modernizing in the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 75(1), 79-86. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 15



At the end of the XX century – at the beginning of XXI century the processes of globalization and European integration transformed values of the people called “fifth freedom” – the freedom of movement of knowledge. In Ukraine, free choice of education opens up new opportunities for a young man in integrating linguistic and cultural space, familiarity with the history, religion, traditions, way of life, and also determine the specific social integration of educational migrants. In the article the main policy measures modernizing social sphere of the region, the formation and implementation of which is due to the latest events in the development of educational migration (context: values, freedom of movement of knowledge, integration). In politics, social and cultural modernization of the region should take into account the significance level of satisfaction and value orientation carrier’s intellectual capital of the region. The gap between importance and satisfaction values author considers as an indicator of poor quality innovative culture Ukrainian citizens. Politics socio-cultural modernization of the region should include mechanisms to ensure quality of the new culture of innovation. A great role of cooperation in education, science and business environment in the region, it will enable efficient sharing of innovative mechanisms in the “university, business, the state”. Academic mobility of students, teachers, researchers improves the quality of education and research, promotes intercultural understanding, increasing employment opportunities for young people. Politics socio-cultural modernization of the region should include mechanisms to attract intellectual potential of youth in an innovative environment of the region. The deployment process of educational mobility in Europe requires the study of issues related to the relationship education workers in the local culture and environment of life. In the study of the interactions of the host society and immigrants is the most common integration model that different countries have their own characteristics. But common is the fact that education and training abroad can not only acquire new knowledge in different areas of science, but also promotes closer acquaintance with another culture allows better learn a foreign language, get irreplaceable learning experience life in an international team. This year’s political situation makes some adjustments in the educational process migration causes a substantial increase in educational migration from the Donetsk region to other regions of Ukraine. So, the newest phenomenon in the development of education as an important migration patterns of globalization, European integration, which is characteristic of new, innovative in content values, the phenomenon of “freedom” movement of knowledge “and the integration process should be reflected in the policy of modernization of the social sphere of the region . Its activities are important: facilitating the creation of conditions for self students, intellectual and creative development of the individual young citizen of Ukraine, the growth of its innovative culture; formation educational - scientific complex region, development of mechanisms for the integration of education, science and business in the region; support innovative research initiatives of students, expanding forms of incentives for students studying in Ukraine and abroad; develop mechanisms to attract foreign Ukrainian intellectual potential students for the needs of the region; create innovative cultural environment as counter depreciation and preservation of intellectual capital; organization and conduct of international and national creative and educational activities for students; development of the network of cultural and educational and patriotic youth, especially in small towns and villages; promoting the patriotism of spirituality, morality and formation of human life principles of youth.


modernization, modernization policy of social and cultural sphere, region, education, migration, values-freedom movement of knowledge integration

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