Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2015.02.136

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 330.322:658.27:316.422(477.83)
Ishchuk, S. O. (2015). Problemy i sposoby modernizatsiyi osnovnoho kapitalu pidpryyemstv vyrobnychoyi sfery rehionu [Problems and ways of modernization of fixed capital of production enterprises of the region]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 76(2), 136-143. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10



The wear and tear of fixed capital in Ukraine was critically high (77.3% in 2013) which caused drop in production and was a manifestation of technical and technological backwardness of the real sector of national economy. The main factor for maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers on domestic and foreign markets is modernization of their fixed capital. Purpose of the article is to determine the economic conditions and to outline of promising ways of modernization of fixed capital of production enterprises in Lviv region. On the basis of analysis of economic results of the industry, transport and construction in Lviv region, the problematic issues of these economic activities in the current economic conditions were revealed, namely: a high wear degree of fixed assets; low level of innovation in industry; tendentious reduction of engineering structure construction; a sharp decline in transport freight, including road transport; unprofitable activity in the industry, as well as low income from ordinary activities before tax in the construction and transport; increase of unprofitable enterprises number; significant reduction of investment volume in fixed capital in transport. A multicriterial distribution of industrial, construction and transport enterprises according to their forms of fixed capital reproduction was performed. It has been proved that enterprises with degree of wear and tear fixed capital exceeding 65%, require a full technical re-equipment and reconstruction with elements of modernization or even new construction. For other enterprises of industrial sector of the region there are acceptable such forms of fixed capital reproduction as overhaul and partial technical upgrading (for the active part of fixed assets), as well as overhaul and reconstruction (for passive part). A new approach to resource providing of fixed capital modernization of industrial enterprises on the basis of inter-sectoral and inter-regional cooperation has been proposed, and the directions of its activation were outlined. Development of a regional program of modernization of fixed capital, which should be based on an integrated assessment of the state, movement and efficiency of capital use in all regions of Western Ukraine, was initiated. As a result, meeting the challenges of structural, organizational, technical and technological modernization of the enterprises of industrial sector will allow: to increase business activity in the region and its investment attractiveness; to create a balanced transportation system and to realize the transit potential of the region; to improve the overall quality of life.


fixed capital, production sector, efficiency, reproduction, modernization

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