Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.01.022

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.2:332.1(477.86);JELR11
Dzvinchuk, D. I., Petrenko, V. P., & Popovych, V. V. (2016). Analiz dosvidu stratehichnoho upravlinnya sotsial'no-ekonomichnym rozvytkom rehionu (na prykladi Ivano-Frankivs'koyi oblasti) [Analysis of experience of region’s socio-economic development strategic management (on the example of Ivano-Frankivsk region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 79(1), 22-31. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 21



Nowadays Ukraine lacks the strategy of state economic and social development as the nationally important document that could combine relevant development strategies of meso- and microeconomic units at all levels and in all spheres of national economy with concentration on priorities, goals and tasks. Existence of separate branch, sector, regional, communal and corporative documents of strategic nature as well as the range of state-level program documents that seem to be strategic (although they are not in fact) only stresses the advisability, importance and finally inevitable obligation of full-scale introduction of technologies and instruments of strategic management into the practice of Ukrainian society vital activity management.
The article aims to identify major problems of introducing the theory and practice of strategic planning and development management at regional level in order to develop recommendations over their efficient solution.
The article analyses the experience of strategic planning management in Ivano-Frankivska oblast performed by regional public management authorities and local government. The problems and shortcomings of region’s development strategic planning are found. The conducted analysis of experience of strategic planning technology use and of regional development management on the example of Ivano-Frankivska oblast reveals the fact that they begin to take roots in regions’ practical management; gained powerful enough impulse of support, adaptation, development and improvement in scientific environment; are actively promoted and introduced by public organizations experts with support of various international organizations; begin to obtain weight in planning of development of newly created territorial communities in the course of decentralization. The further research directions are suggested in order to use already obtained experience while developing strategic plans of establishment and development of newly created territorial communities in Ukrainian regions in the course of decentralization.
In general, use of the abovementioned technologies has brought about in Ukrainian regions both positive results and certain shortfalls. Further work in terms of correction of the shortfalls and taking them into consideration will multiply their positivity and usefulness potential.


region, strategic management, social and economic development, technologies, experience

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