Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.031

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.46:331.55:330.837; JEL O15, R23, O17
Sadova, U. Ya., & Makhonyuk, O. V. (2016). Instytutsiyne zabezpechennya funktsionuvannya transkordonnoho rynku mihratsiynykh posluh [Institutional support for functioning of the trans-border market of migration services]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 31-38. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 6



Considering the market of migration services (MMS), it should be noted that it remains virtually unexplored in Ukrainian and foreign economic science. Thus, today there is no conceptual basis, very few works to determine the nature of «market of migration services» and «migration services» as an object of regulation of this market. The system of scientific approaches to interpretation of the above concepts is not formulated.
The aim of the article is justification of theoretical principles of the MMS’ formation through the development of new provisions of the terminology base, consideration of the market in terms of its institutional support, and analysis of the trans-border MMS by the example of border regions of Ukraine and Poland.
Research methodology involves general scientific and special methods, such as: analysis and synthesis, comparative, graphical methods.
The authors’ determination of concepts of the «market of migration services» and «migration service» is offered. The structure of the market is elaborated according to the subject-object approach. Its main functions are also featured. It is envisaged that the MMS is the basis for a more complex spatial structures – territorial migration systems. An example of a regional trans-border market of migration services, being formed in terms of years of positive experience of Ukraine-Poland relations, is presented. In this context Lviv region and Podkarpackie Voivodeship were taken as a ground for research. Special attention is paid to the market’s participants, in particular, to structuring them according to various criteria. State subjects of the MMS are considered the most in the article. It is noteworthy, that the analyzed market significantly affects the human resources of our country and its demographic reproduction potential. Thus, the state and main trends of the MMS’ development should be systematically monitored and evaluated.


migration, migration service, trans-border market of migration services, institutional approach


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