Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.083

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 336.648; JEL G23, Q14
Nazar, M. V. (2016). Al'ternatyvni modeli kredytuvannya sil's'kohospodars'kykh pidpryyemstv [Alternative models of agricultural enterprises lending]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 83-90. [in Ukrainian].



Due to the specificity of agricultural production the agricultural enterprises constantly feel the lack of financial resources, which can be solved mainly through lending. The need to overcome barriers to objective improvements, expansion and development of efficient agricultural enterprises lending is one of the urgent problems of the agricultural sector.
Thus, the complexity of the problems of access to external financial resources necessitates further research of theoretical, methodological and practical issues regarding their solution.
The objective of the paper is to study alternative models of agricultural enterprises lending, which will allow better use of borrowed resources. The author applies following methods: abstract, comparison, analysis, synthesis, simulation.
This article reviews possibilities of alternative models of agricultural enterprises lending, such as namely credit in cooperation with suppliers of ancillary resources for agricultural production, crediting of bill, leasing loans and refinancing model for loans with a credit transfer. It also features the advantage of using these models.
We have offered only possible models of farm credit, which will enable them to attract additional financial resources required to develop and improve the efficiency of the data model and increase the number of agricultural enterprises, which need loans. It should be noted that implementation of some of them require legislative and regulatory control by the public authorities.


credit, agricultural enterprise, crediting of bill, leasing loans, refinancing


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