Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2016.04.100

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 336.717.8; JEL G21
Zhovtanetska, Ya. V. (2016). Suchasni metodolohichni pidkhody do formuvannya systemy antykryzovoho upravlinnya finansovoyu diyal'nistyu bankiv [Modern methodological approaches to formation of the system of banks’ financial anti-crisis management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 82(4), 100-107. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 6



The article is devoted to the study of financial anti-crisis management of banks. The general and special methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, classification, systematization and comparison in this case are used. The article is a study of theoretical and methodological and applied foundations of the system of banks’ financial crisis management in Ukraine. The main results of the study are in the investigation of methodological foundations of the system of anti-crisis management and its characteristic features, goals, objectives, general and specific principles.
The main features of financial anti-crisis management of banks are outlined. The necessity of separation of functions peculiar to this type of management – stabilization, transformation, regulatory, redistributive, control, and information – is explained. The basic principles, such as centralization, transparency, precaution, optimality, complexity, restoring stability, the principle of hierarchy, efficiency, social responsibility are mentioned. Identification, prevention, early response, diagnostics and neutralization of threats and crisis in the financial activities of banks are defined as major goals of banks’ financial anti-crisis management based on risk-based approach and evaluation of curative capacity. Specific features include the diagnosis of the symptoms of the crisis, the development of an overall strategy of financial recovery, ensuring of financial balance in development, restoring of financial stability. Forming of system of anti-crisis management measures at three levels – national, the National Bank of Ukraine and the specific commercial bank – is suggested.
Further studies will be in the sphere of strategic priorities of the banking sector based on quantitative and qualitative assessment of major financial and economic performance and minimization of the impact of the crisis and threats.


crisis, anti-crisis management, financial activities of banks, system of crisis management, risks and threats


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