UDC 331.102.344:332.122:330.34(477); JEL L20, L25, M21, J24, O34 Davymuka, S. A., & Fedulova, L. I. (2017). Intelektual'nyy resurs – osnovnyy faktor zabezpechennya staloho rozvytku rehioniv Ukrayiny v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi [Intellectual resource – the key factor of regions’ sustainable development maintenance in Ukraine in terms of decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 5-16. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 23
ResumeProblem: identification of intellectual resources and forming of their critical mass at the level of each region should be the strategic task of both central authorities and local governing bodies in order to maintain real possibilities to conduct decentralization policy at local level. Objective: to outline the role of intellectual resources in conducting of decentralization policy and to reveal the problems of their forming in Ukraine on the example of intellectual property institute and taking into account the EU experience. Research methods: provisions of innovation theory in terms of application of open innovation concept principles and provisions of latest regionalism theories were used. On the basis of statistical analysis the evaluation of intellectual property development condition in Ukrainian regions was conducted. Using the analysis and synthesis methods the EU experience in the development of innovation strategies and intellectual property institute was examined. On the basis of system approach the recommendations on state regional policy in terms of region’s intellectual resources attraction to conducting of decentralization reform were given. Research results: the nature and role of intellectual resource was outlined and its connection with the factors of innovative and technological development of regions is determined. Peculiarities of experience were examined and preconditions of forming and development of EU regional economic policy in the course of decentralization and integration were characterized. Regions’ intellectual property condition in Ukraine was analyzed and its influence on the parameters of science-intensity of gross regional product was explained. The problems restraining the forming of intellectual property institute in Ukraine were defined, including the absence of intellectual property long-term development strategy in Ukraine; poor coordination of state authorities’ activity; low activity efficiency of the structures that maintain intellectual property rights’ protection; insufficient system of providing services in terms of intellectual property protection related to general condition of this activity infrastructure, especially in the regions; underdeveloped non-governmental forms of this activity management in the country; shortcomings of valuation, accounting and statistics in the sphere of intellectual property. Recommendations concerning the improvement of regional economic policy mechanisms in terms of attraction, forming and implementation of regions’ intellectual resources and strengthening of regional innovative ecosystem’s role were given. The fact that competitive policy should be taken into account as efficient instrument of regional economic development acceleration in case that it addresses the capacity of innovative activity and human resources development is emphasized. Conclusions and suggestions: qualitative and quantitative characteristics of region’s intellectual resource, on one hand, depend on the condition of socio-economic development and regional innovative systems development, and on the other hand – they directly influence the functioning of regions in terms of decentralization being the key feature of their personality and major driver of strategic tasks implementation and social cohesion forming under the conditions of post-industrial economy. Systemic solution of issues concerning legal protection of intellectual rights and mechanisms of implementation of results achieved in the course of intellectual activity, stimulation of creative activity, outsourcing of technology-intensive production and services and introduction of exclusive innovative business-models are the major aspects of intellectual resources’ role strengthening as the key factor of sustainable regional economic growth under decentralization.
Keywords:intellectual resources, intellectual property, regions, decentralization
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