Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.01.098

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 332.133.6(477); JEL O14
Oleksyuk, H. V. (2017). Industrial'ni parky Ukrayiny: vid kontseptsiyi do real'nosti [Industrial parks in Ukraine: from concept to reality]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 83(1), 98-105. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 17



The success of attracting investment for increase of scientific, production, financial and economic capacity in existing realities of Ukraine requires effective methods of development of investment attractiveness mechanisms. Search for effective organizational structures for real investment, regardless of ownership and source of funds, is a constant process. The number of laws and regulatory acts that define the foundations of structures to ensure successful investment process as well as preferences and privileges for investors were adopted in Ukraine. In the mid-90s of the last century there were free economic zones, which didn’t perform their duties to a full extent, and in most cases, actually ceased to exist. World experience of investment process shows that in many countries in Europe and in the world the efficiency of economic growth is provided by industrial parks. Ukraine adopted the Law «On Industrial Parks» as of June 21, 2012, № 5018-VI, which regulates the legal basis of industrial parks’ establishment and the procedure of attracting managing companies and their work reglamentation and sets the types of state incentives to attract investment. Based on the adopted Law of Ukraine, creation of a number of industrial parks in different regions of the state was initiated. At the end of 2016 there were 16 parks in the State Register of industrial parks in Ukraine, which had submitted relevant concepts and substantiated the efficiency of these parks. The fact that some farms were created two or three years ago, but currently have not started their work, didn’t attract declared investment and didn’t create new jobs, raises the question of how to change the situation in order to achieve the tasks required. Therefore, the urgency of industrial parks creation and efficiency of their operation must find its development in the works of scientists and in activity of public authorities and local governments.


park, arrangement of industrial park, managing company, participants of industrial park, system approach, initiators of creation


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