Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2017.04.037

UDC 36:[314.7:379.85]; JEL H55, О15, R23, F22
Bil, M. M. (2017). Systema zabezpechennya sotsial'noho zakhystu mobil'nykh katehoriy naselennya [System of social protection maintenance for mobile categories of the population]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 86(4), 37-45. [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 7


Bil Maryana Mykhaylivna

Ph.D. of Public Administration, Senior Researcher

Senior Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (097)275-3151, (098)321-9925, (032)270-6445



The features of the mobile categories of the population were determined in the article. Mobile categories of the population are individuals who have already implemented or are planning to implement a high level of their spatial mobility in the near future. The main segment groups of mobile categories of the population were selected. These are persons who are legal in the status of a tourist, an internal or external migrant, a foreign migrant in Ukraine, in a special legal status in Ukraine and abroad, in a closer social environment of actively mobile persons. The definition of social protection of mobile categories of the population was formulated. At the same time, the basic approach is to consider social protection as a management of social risks that may arise in connection with illness, disability, maternity, family expenses for the maintenance of children, unemployment, old age, death, widowhood, accident, occupational disease, poverty, need for third-party care etc. Social protection of mobile categories of the population should be considered as a system of relations with the management of social risks and ensuring the rights and freedoms of active mobile persons with a certain legal status, as well as members of their closest social environment, regardless of their place of residence. The basic conditions for the social protection of mobile categories of the population were singled out. These are the legal status, regulatory and legal framework (agreements), the legal culture of active and mobile people and their living conditions. The functional and institutional model of the system of social protection of mobile categories of the population in terms of the main components (social insurance, provision and assistance) was proposed. Such a system includes three levels: I – general action; ІІ – mobile categories of the population in the state; III – mobile categories of citizens abroad. Administrative, regulatory, socio-economic, monetary-financial, socio-cultural and information mechanisms of social protection of mobile categories of the population were described. Provision of social protection of mobile categories of the population is carried out using such tools as: guarantees, standards; cash benefits, social benefits, personal assistance; services – charitable, informational, legal, medical, linguistic, educational, financial and insurance, etc. In the sense of the effect of interstate agreements on mutual employment and social protection in the system of mechanisms of social protection was actualized. Areas of contractual regulation in the system of social protection of mobile categories of the population were investigated. These are employment, retirement benefits, compulsory social insurance and other forms of social protection. The need for the development of mobility of social protection was justified.


social protection, social security, mobile categories of the population, spatial mobility, mobility of social protection

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Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 331.556.4:314.748:001.891; JEL O15, F22, H00, R23
Bil, M. M. (2017). Efektyvnist' mekhanizmu rehulyuvannya mihratsiyi naselennya: teoretyko-metodychni osnovy otsinyuvannya [The effectiveness of regulation mechanism of migration: theoretical and methodological foundations of assessment]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 84(2), 73-79. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The relevance of the theoretical and methodological foundations of assessment of the effectiveness of regulation mechanism of migration was justified in the article. The main global migration processes trends, which confirm the rapid growth of population spatial mobility and create new challenges to regulation of migration, was given. The essence of regulation mechanism of migration, which is a system by systematic approach that ensures the impact of the subject in the face of governmental and nongovernmental organizations and migration market actors on migration processes in order to achieve the objectives, was defined. The component structure of the mechanism was reflected. It’s formed by goals, objectives, principles, functions, subjects, objects, methods and forms of state regulation, which causing migration policy in their interaction and relationship. The essence of effectiveness, which is considered from the standpoint of «cost-benefit» and «goal-outcome» in the economy, was defined. The complexity of assessment of the effectiveness in public administration was noted, because there is no single indicator of outcome in public sector, which is the income for commercial structures. Despite these difficulties, the assessment of the effectiveness of the regulation mechanism of migration requires the formation of the monitoring system for regularly receiving different quantitative and qualitative data, analytical materials and expert evaluations. Main approaches to determine the effectiveness of the regulation mechanism of migration were discussed. Their selection allows finding the effectiveness types. These types are economic, objective, organizational, functional, subject, object effectiveness, effectiveness of result and relationships. The highest practical value is assessment of result effectiveness. This approach requires the quality methodological developments and allows estimating the consequences (social, economic, ecological etc) of regulation mechanism of migration and migration potential (determining the factors of population migration as objects of indirect regulatory influence). The specific indicators should be the basis of assessment of the result effectiveness. They are determined depending on the migration situation. The main levels of assessment of the effectiveness of regulation mechanism of migration were described. 
regulation mechanism of migration, effectiveness, result effectiveness, migration potential, levels of assessment of effectivenes 

Web Master P. Popadiuk