Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2018.01.111

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 339.137:[338.45:665.7]:338.22(477); JEL L72, Q40
Mahas, V. M., & Kantur, K. S. (2018). Konkurentna polityka na rynku naftoproduktiv Ukrayiny: zahal'noderzhavnyy kontekst i rehional'na spetsyfika [Competitive policy on the Ukrainian oil market: national context and regional specifics]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 87 (1), 111-119. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 14


Mahas Vasyl Maryanovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of enterprise economics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv



Kantur Kateryna Stepanivna

Postgraduate of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




The article examines theoretical foundations of competitive policy forming and practical mechanisms of its application with the purpose of antimonopoly regulation of oil market in Ukraine. Special attention is paid to the heterogeneity of scientists-economists’ views over the problem of antimonopoly regulation of markets and means of public competitive policy.
Attention is also paid to the analysis of oil market in Ukraine from the viewpoint of priority directions to improve the competitive policy directed at its development. In particular, significant impact of the risk of cartel conditions expansion and the coherent anticompetitive policy of the market participants are emphasized. It is stipulated by the limited circle of producers and importers of oil products sold on domestic market.
Analysis of regional aspects of oil market development in Ukraine testifies to sustainable differentiation of prices on oil products in various regions of the country, caused by domination of different oil traders there. It allows making conclusion about the lack of sufficient competitiveness level on the abovementioned market and the need for diversification of competitive policy means, directed at its development.
On this ground suggestions over the priority directions of competitive policy improvement on oil market of Ukraine are made. In particular, priority attention should be paid to prevention of cartel collusions and coherent anticompetitive policy through restriction of inefficient regulatory influence of state and improvement of institutional and organizational maintenance of antimonopoly influence on regional oil markets. Moreover, the most efficient mechanisms of competitive policy on oil markets tested in the developed countries globally are suggested to be adapted to the domestic conditions. It primarily refers to increase of pricing transparency through exchange and auction trade and strengthening of control over prevention of cartel collusions.


Ukrainian petroleum market, anti-competitive behavior, cartel collusion, competition policy, antitrust regulation


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Sources: 8

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