Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2018.03.088

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 338.439; JEL Q18, Q55
Pruntseva, G. O. (2018). Nanotekhnolohiyi yak faktor pidvyshchennya rivnya vyrobnytstva sil's'kohospodars'koyi produktsiyi u konteksti zabezpechennya prodovol'choyi bezpeky krayiny [Nanotechnology as a factor in increasing the level of agricultural production in the context of ensuring food security of the country]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 89 (3), 88-96. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 23


Pruntseva Gelena Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Department of borrowing, insurance and finance of the National Research Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics"; Director of Centrafarm Ltd. (Kyiv); Head of NGO "Institutional Reforms"




The volume of agricultural production has an impact on the level of providing vital products to the population, and the use of intensive technologies helps to increase the level of agricultural production and increase the volume of vital products. Intensification of agricultural production through the introduction of nanotechnologies can increase the resistance of plants to adverse weather conditions and increase the resistance of animals to infectious diseases and stress. We note the necessity to conduct wider studies to identify the most promising areas of application of nanotechnology as a tool for raising the level of agricultural production.
In assessing the impact of nanotechnologies on the level of food security, it is necessary to assess both the productivity of agricultural production and the quality and safety of the products produced. Regarding the productivity of agricultural production, the existence of numerical experiments in the impact of nanotechnologies on the level of agricultural production reflects the efficiency of the applied technology. The application of nanoparticles as microfertilizer in plant growing contributes to increasing plant resistance to adverse weather conditions and other stress factors, reduces the chemical load on the soil and increases the yield of almost all food and industrial crops. The application of nanotechnologies in livestock breeding contributes to raising the productivity of animals, resistance of animal organisms to infectious diseases and stresses, provides a significant effect on the formation of microclimate in premises for animals and poultry, control of the concentration of harmful substances in the air, disinfection of livestock buildings, electrocontaining of silage mass of green feeds with an electroactivated preservative, treatment of mastitis of animals, decontamination and pasteurization of eggs and egg products, etc. Nanotechnologies are used as catalysts based on nanosized palladium and nanocarbon materials for the hydriding of vegetable oils, as nanoelectronics of grain drying (convective drying together with microwave drying) in the processing of agrarian products. Nanotechnology is widely used in the disinfection of agricultural inputs and production tools in the process of storage of agricultural products.
Thus, the use of nanotechnologies in agricultural production has a positive effect on the production of crop and livestock production, processing and storage of agricultural products, which positively affects the overall level of agricultural production and food security in the country. However, the presence of an uncertain effect of some nanoparticles leads to uncertainty about the impact of nanomaterials on the quality of agricultural production, which necessitates further in-depth research into the properties of nanomaterials and to ensure the regulation, standardization and certification of nanoscale materials used in the processes of production, processing and storage of agricultural products.


innovation technologies, nanotechnologies, food security


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