Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.02.056

Repository of Institute of Regional Research Repository of Vernadsky Library UDC 352.3/354:330.342.146:[332.122:911.375](477); JEL K19, O43, R58
Zalutskyy, I. R. (2019). Socio-economic environment of city in digital economy development: conceptual grounds of transformation. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 92 (2), 56-66. DOI:
Sources: 20



The article deals with scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept «digital economy». It defines digital economy, meaning economy based upon digital technology and provides inclusive socio-economic development and prosperity. The article identifies the specifics, contradictions and transition issues of state policy in the sphere of informatization towards intensive development of digital economy. Under the study the realization of the Concept for the Development of Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine for 2018-2020 and the plan of measures for its implementation are determined to be in a state of stagnation. The issue of the Development of Digital Economy and Society of Ukraine is not properly transformed into corresponding obligatory functions, tasks and powers of central executive authorities and local self-government bodies yet. It is provided rationale for modern city as a priority object and self-sufficient subject of development of digital economy and society in Ukraine. The cities of Ukraine ought to be observed like local centers of potential dynamic shifts in socio-economic environment of the region and deployment of economic prosperity based on digital development. The perspectives of the concept «smart-city» in the context of modern policy of digital development are performed. The author claims that the determinant of the effective digital development policy in the administrative-territorial units of Ukraine is the adequacy of the system legislative regulation of the institutional and legal mechanisms for its implementation in accordance with the norms of the Information and Digital Codes of Ukraine, the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period until 2020. The consensual basis for synchronous development of the Information and Digital Codes of Ukraine are defined by the government approved principles for implementing the modern state policy of digital development in Ukraine, in particular openness; transparency; multiple usage; technological neutrality and portability of data; citizens-orientated; inclusiveness and accessibility; safety and confidentiality; multilingualism; support decision-making; administrative simplification; information storage; evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness. The article suggests the following: indicating the development of the digital economy and society in Ukraine among the priorities of the State Strategy for Regional Development for the period up to 2020; ensuring the priority of accelerated transformation of the socio-economic environment of cities under the approval of strategic plans, programs and actions within the state regional policy.


digital economy, city, development, transformation, socio-economic environment


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