Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.03.071

UDC 332.122:338.43; JEL O18, Q18, R58
Khomyuk, N. L., & Pavlikha, N. V. (2019). Kontseptual'ni pidkhody do rozvytku sil's'kykh terytoriy v umovakh detsentralizatsiyi [Conceptual approaches to rural development in conditions of decentralization]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 71-78. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 18



The purpose of the article is to unveil conceptual approaches to rural development based on the definition of various types of this development, to substantiate the directions of its diversification in the context of decentralization taking into account the experience of the European Union. The article explores the various types of rural development to substantiate the conceptual approaches to its provision in the context of decentralization reform. The generalization of scientific approaches to the types of rural development gives reason to claim that there is currently no single conceptual approach to the concept under study. Sustainable, balanced, resistant, agrarian, socio-economic, agricultural, integrated, complex, perspective types of rural development are identified. The concepts of “development of rural territories” and “rural development” are described and their use is proposed as identical. It is proposed to consider rural development as a socio-ecological-economic process of extended reproduction of rural development, which ensures harmonious growth of economic, social, demographic, ethnic and environmental spheres. The article determines that the notion of “sustainable”, “balanced”, “resistant” in the scientific literature is disclosed in the framework of the study of priorities for sustainable development of rural areas. The article confirms that the complex development of rural territories is connected with decentralization and creation of integrated territorial communities, which use available natural, economic, social and financial resources. Quality of life of rural residents is determined to be the general criterion that characterizes the development of rural areas. The authors reveal that when the rural population is involved in production on the territory of the community, the unemployment rate decreases, household incomes increase, local budget revenues grow at the expense of the personal income tax. Probable ways of rural development are analyzed on the basis of the experience of the European Union. The need to apply an integrated approach to rural development, that is, to identify this development as diversified, proportional and integrated, is substantiated.


rural development, decentralization, typology of rural development, sustainable rural development, quality of life for rural residents


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