UDC 330.322.5; JEL H61, E22, R22, R58 Leshchukh, I. V. (2019). Vplyv administratyvno-finansovoyi detsentralizatsiyi na investytsiyni protsesy u Tsentral'nomu rehioni Ukrayiny [Influence of administrative and financial decentralization on investment processes in the Central region of Ukraine]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 93 (3), 134-144. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2019-3-14. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 19
ResumeThe article examines the tendencies of the investment sector of the Central region of Ukraine, which are formed under the influence of implementation of administrative and financial decentralization in Ukraine. The method of estimation of influence of administrative-financial decentralization on investment processes in the region is proposed on the basis of calculation of indicators of the ratio: a) growth rates of capital investments and foreign direct investments against own incomes; b) the rate of growth of expenditures on socio-economic development (in particular, public administration, health care, education, housing and communal services, repair and maintenance of roads, etc.) against own revenues of local budgets. The author’s method is tested on the example of cities of regional importance and districts of the Central region of Ukraine. It was found that: 1) in 2016-2018 the most effective was the policy of capital investment in Cherkasy region, the least effective – in the Kirovograd region; 2) the increase of the financial potential of the cities of regional importance and districts of the studied region did not cause a significant stimulating influence on attracting foreign investments; 3) the reorientation of local authorities’ own resources on capital expenditures on the development of social, transport and communal infrastructure is extremely slow. Systemic and dialectical methods were used in the study; logical generalization, system analysis, comparison and synthesis; strategic analysis, graphic. The works of leading scientists and specialists on a wide range of socio-economic problems, the operational information of the Main Directorates of Statistics in Vinnitsa, Kirovograd, Cherkasy and Poltava regions of Ukraine as well as information on the implementation of relevant local budgets of the Departments of Finance of Vinnitsa, Kirovograd and Cherkasy regional state administrations constitute the information base of the research.
Keywords:administrative and financial decentralization, investment efficiency, regional economy, spatial development, cities of regional importance, united territorial communities, Central region of Ukraine
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