Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2019.04.127

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.13.029; JEL L10, L11, L51, L81
Popadynets, N. M. (2019). Sutnist' marketynhovoyi diyal'nosti v systemi orhanizatsiyi zabezpechennya spozhyvchymy tovaramy vnutrishn'oho rynku [Nature of marketing activity in the system of organization of domestic market provision with consumer goods]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 94 (4), 127-136. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 11


Popadynets Nazariy Mykolayovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-7089, (096)945-9098



The modern stage of economic development of the domestic consumer market, its new patterns and priorities, change of regulation and saturation factors, and transformation of the paradigm of resources and goods provision stipulate the need to improve all the components of its functioning mechanism with the mandatory use of marketing instruments. Therefore, the research of the consumer market condition and development trends as an important component of the general economic system becomes increasingly important. On the one hand, the current condition of most segments offering food and non-food products is considered as unstable and demonstrating negative tendencies related to a sharp decline of previously achieved volumes of supply and sales, reduction of the material basis for production and realization of high-quality goods, and substantial noncompliance with the needs of the population. On the other hand, the paces of innovative changes regarding the methods of production and realization of consumer goods that correspond to global standards, including the use of advanced marketing strategies and Internet resources, are high. The paper aims to substantiate the nature and reasonability of the use of the marketing approach in the system of organization of domestic market provision with consumer goods. Improvement of the quality of life by verification of the safety and quality of food is determined to be the major task of the consumer market regulation. The nature of marketing activity is proven to lie in the stimulation of demand and its forming, as well as stimulation of consumer goods production and creation of conditions for their quality and competitiveness maintenance. The tasks of the marketing activity in the system of organization of domestic market provision with consumer goods are directed at the qualitative meeting of consumer needs of the population by the use of various marketing technologies and approaches. Marketing approaches to the organization of the domestic market provision with consumer goods are outlined. Marketing methods of analysis and determining of production volumes and consumers’ needs on the domestic consumer market are defined.


brand, domestic market, the Internet, marketing, advertising, social networks, consumer goods


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