UDC 352.075.1:[336.02+330.322]; JEL F02, O18, R10 Siryk, Z. O. (2020). Ponyattya ta skladovi finansovo-investytsiynoho zabezpechennya mistsevoho samovryaduvannya [Concept and components of the financial-investment maintenance of local governance]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 100-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2020-1-11. [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 26
Siryk Zenoviy OrestovychPh.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of fundamental disciplines of the Lviv Branch of Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan; Associate Professor of the Department of administrative and financial management of the Institute of Administration And Postgraduate Education of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Contacts: zsiryk62@gmail.com
ResumeThe issues related to the management of financial resources of territorial communities, financial independence of local governments and forming of efficient financial-investment policy to secure the balanced development of local communities and territories become of utmost importance in conditions of financial decentralization and administrative-territorial reform in Ukraine. The problem issues concerning the forming of financial-investment maintenance of local governance directly impact the capacity of a territorial community that should have financial, material, and other resources in the volumes sufficient to completely accomplish the tasks and function of local governments and provide social services to the population at the level stipulated by national standards. The forming of financial-investment maintenance of local governance is revealed to be directly influencing the capacity of a territorial community that should have financial, material, and other resources in the volumes sufficient to completely accomplish the tasks and function of local governments and provide social services to the population. The expansion of local governments’ competences and granting them greater independence are substantiated to be requiring more responsibility in the financial-investment policy implementation on the local level, forming of conditions to perform the economic activity, and develop businesses by all economic entities, and promoting favorable investment climate in the region. Based on the analysis of approaches to the definition of the nature of “financial maintenance” and “investment maintenance” in the context of the peculiarities of local governments’ activity, the paper suggests understanding the “financial-investment maintenance of local governance” as a set of opportunities and activities on distribution and use of financial resources and territories’ resources for the creation of conditions necessary for the efficient functioning of local governments and realization of their competences.
Keywords:local governance, reforms, territorial communities, financial-investment maintenance, financial resources
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