Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.01.144

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [338.46:640.43]:339.137; JEL D41, L10, L20, M10, M12, O15
Yakubiv, V. M., & Boryshkevych, I. I. (2020). Formuvannya stratehiyi pidvyshchennya konkurentospromozhnosti pidpryyemstv restorannoho biznesu [Forming the strategy to increase the competitiveness of the restaurant business enterprises]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 95 (1), 144-153. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 23


Yakubiv Valentyna Mykhaylivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

First Vice-Rector of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



Boryshkevych Iryna Ihorivna


The development of a modern restaurant business depends to a large extent on the adaptation of the enterprises to the new conditions of management in market conditions. This process involves increasing the competitiveness of restaurants and ensuring the creation of competitive advantages in times of market volatility. Enterprise competitiveness management is a set of measures aimed at systemic improvement of the production process, constant search for new sales channels, new customer groups, service improvement, advertising. It should be considered as an integral part of the enterprise management system. The article analyzes the role of strategic behavior of restaurant business executives in increasing competitive advantages and increasing the level of profitability of the company. Criteria related to the development of the vision and mission of the enterprise are considered. A typical strategy for increasing the competitiveness of restaurant business enterprises using the “tree of purpose” method has been developed. This strategy includes four key strategic areas: manufacturing, marketing, staffing, and technology. Within each direction, tactical goals for increasing competitiveness have been formed. The direction of production involves the realization of the following goals: updating of the main menu, development of seasonal dishes and drinks, replacement of imported raw materials with local ones, provision of catering services, development of non-waste production. The marketing goals include the following: development of the official site, promotion in social networks, creation of a closed club, holding thematic parties, development of gift certificates, development of QR codes in the menu. The staff aims to achieve the following goals: development of an effective motivation system, organization of training for workers and workshops from partners. For the technologies, the tactical goals are the following: the introduction of coffee-printing technology, the mobile waiter, and the use of creative IT technologies.


strategy, strategic management, competitiveness, mission, goal tree, restaurant business, restaurant


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