Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.02.144

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 316(477); JEL I30, I31
Karpyak, M. O. (2020). Sotsial'na eksklyuziya v Ukrayini: oznaky ta formy proyavu v suchasnomu suspil'stvi [Social exclusion in Ukraine: features and forms of manifestation in modern society]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 96 (2), 144-152. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 7


Karpyak (Husyeva) Mariya Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher of the Department of regional economic policy of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine




Modern socio-economic transformations and the development of ideas of universalization of individual rights and needs emphasize the urgency of overcoming the new forms of inequality and finding effective mechanisms for consolidation and integration of social systems to avoid negative social phenomena that threaten national security, preventing the exclusion of certain groups from public life, forming the stable social ties and interpersonal cooperation, which is an important condition for the successful development of the state and society as a whole. The changes taking place in Ukraine today are marked by the ambivalence of their impact: on the one hand, there are positive changes towards the necessary reforms, on the other – the aggravation of social tensions due to instability, bottlenecks or imperfections of the reform process itself, increasing income gaps and limiting the access of large sections of the population to resources, including basic social services, etc. Despite the significant number of scientific papers on the phenomenon of social exclusion, the issue of substantiation of the forms and features of social exclusion, as well as the dynamics of its spread in Ukrainian society remains insufficiently elaborated. Thus, the purpose of this article is to study the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukrainian society. In the context of the study, the reasons underlying the formation of the phenomenon of social exclusion in Ukraine in the early stages of statehood are substantiated, the problems that determine its spread in modern Ukrainian society, and the consequences of the impact on society are highlighted. A categorical analysis of the phenomenon of social exclusion is carried out, in particular by forms of manifestation, criteria and factors, scale of distribution, levels of formation, and nature of social ties. Based on the analysis, the peculiarities of the manifestation of social exclusion in Ukraine at different stages of development of Ukrainian society are revealed.


social exclusion, inequality, socio-economic transformations, social structure of society, deprivation, discrimination, social ties


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