Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2020.04.065

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC [331.55:37]:332.1; JEL I00, I21
Bachynska, M. V., Semiv, L. K., & Semiv, S. R. (2020). Analiz osvitnikh mihratsiynykh protsesiv: rehional'nyy aspekt [Analysis of educational migration processes: regional aspect]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 98 (4), 65-71. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 10


Bachynska Mariya Volodymyrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (097)697-1131, (032)270-6445


Semiv Lyubov Kazymyrivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Leading Researcher of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine; Professor of the Department of management and social-humanitarian disciplines of the Faculty of Finance and Management of the Lviv Academic Institute of University of Banking; Professor of the Department of management and social security of the Academic Institute of Economic and Social Relations of the University of Banking



Semiv Serhiy Romanovych

Ph.D. of Economics, Associate Professor

Doctoral Postgraduate of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine; Associate Professor of the Department of international economic relations of the Lviv University of Trade and Economics




Analysis and consideration of current migration trends in our country, in particular mass interstate migration movements in the context of Ukraine's participation in the European and world migration space, are considered among the important factors in shaping its national policy. Educational migration is a special threat to the socio-economic development of the country and sustainable development of society, as the formation of highly qualified personnel, accumulation of intellectual capital, and increasing scientific and technological potential of the country are among the important factors of economic and social progress. Due to the intensification of interstate migration flows and the development of the quality of the higher education system in foreign educational institutions, migration for education takes a larger share, which is mostly accompanied by constant migration and departure of Ukrainian citizens for permanent residence abroad. The analysis of publications on this issue proves the urgency of educational migration research, and today it remains important to analyze trends in educational migration, find mechanisms to counter the transformation of Ukraine into a country of origin of educational migrants, as well as their repatriation. The article analyzes the educational migration processes in Ukraine in the regional context. The main regional centers of higher education are identified. The focus is on the migration intentions of the population to study abroad and a comparative description of the educational systems of different countries. The order and stages of the admission campaign in foreign educational institutions are described. The essence and features of educational migration are studied and the main reasons that help Ukrainian students to choose foreign higher education institutions are highlighted. The main causes and consequences of educational migration, as well as potential opportunities for educational migration, are identified. Certain benefits and costs associated with educational migration processes are justified. The directions of development of educational migration and effective migration system in Ukraine and its regions, which should take a worthy place in the migration policy of the state, are offered.


migration processes, education system, labor migration, employment, educational migration


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