UDC 339.5:[338.2:002.54]:338.43.01:[336:351.863](477); JEL E20, E62, Q14, Q18 Vasyltsiv, T. H., & Kunytska-Ilyash, M. V. (2022). Instrumentariy derzhavnoyi polityky realizatsiyi eksportnoho potentsialu ta zmitsnennya finansovoyi bezpeky APK Ukrayiny [Public policy tools for Ukraine’s export capacity realization and agricultural financial capacity reinforcement]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 105 (3), 84-94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2022-3-9 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 15
Vasyltsiv Taras HryhorovychDoctor of Economics, Professor
Head of the Department of problems of social and humanitarian development of the regions of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine
Contacts: tgvas77@ukr.net, (098)11-555-01, (063)854-01-50
Kunytska-Ilyash Marta VasylivnaPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of enterprise economics, innovations and consulting at agricultural industry named after I. V. Popovych of the Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Lviv
Contacts: kunytskam@gmail.com
ResumeAt the current stage of Ukraine’s socio-economic development, agriculture is the priority industry in the national economy that constitutes a substantial share of GDP, secures the growing volumes of exports and foreign currency inflow, and improves the export-import balance and the country’s position in international labor division. Ukraine’s export capacity is developed and the financial security of agriculture is maintained in conditions of significant problems and obstacles related to the loss of commodities shipment channels and commodities exports in war, consistent low value-added and depth of agricultural processing, high concentration of raw materials, unformed consistent systems of commodities shipment and promotion of the domestic agriculture on external sales markets, limited investment in technical and technological modernization of export-oriented agricultural entities’ capacity, the need to standardize and certify agriculture following international standards of security, quality, quotas, and customs-tariffs restrictions on domestic agricultural exports to external markets. Therefore, to overcome them, it is necessary to introduce a set of tools that includes the diversification of commodities shipment channels and entry of agricultural exporters to the new external food markets, establishment of new manufacturing of high value-added agriculture and expansion of processing, creation of agricultural and processing clusters, the establishment of distribution-logistics chains of domestic products promotion on external markets, improvement of accessibility of investment framework of agricultural companies’ production capacity and export activity development, minimization of transaction costs of agricultural manufacturing and exports, improvement of the system of information and consulting services provided to agricultural exporters, diversification of external markets, and optimal-rational distribution of domestic agriculture on the global market.
Keywords:agriculture, export capacity, financial security, threats, problems, obstacles, goals, tools