UDC 339.138:338.2:[338.46:378]; JEL L10, L30, M31 Ivasenko, O. A. (2022). Stratehiyi SMM vitchyznyanykh zakladiv vyshchoyi osvity [SMM strategies of domestic higher education institutions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 106 (4), 40-49. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2022-4-5 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 11
Authors Ivasenko Olena AnatoliyivnaPh.D. of Economics
Associate Professor of the Department of economics, entrepreneurship and marketing of the National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic"
Contacts: ivasenkooa@ukr.net
ResumeBased on the trends in the development and spread of social networks in public life, it is undeniable that the use of the advantages of these platforms has a positive effect on the marketing of any business and, in particular, higher education institutions. The development of an effective strategy for higher education institutions allows solving a series of important tasks, with which other tools, due to their origin and mechanism of influence, may not work so effectively. Formation of an effective marketing strategy in social networks by higher education institutions brings them closer to the target audience and stakeholders, makes them more open to society, allows flexible response to requests, etc. The effectiveness of the SMM strategy depends no less on the correct choice of a particular social network by a higher education institution. Knowledge of the advantages of the target audiences, the digital behavior of stakeholders' representatives, and their expectations allow the institution to gain additional competitive advantages. The results of marketing studies of practical activities of higher education institutions in Ukraine in the marketing of social networks allow to predict their development and identify priority development areas. According to them, YouTube and Instagram are the most popular social networks chosen by domestic higher education institutions in Ukraine. However, the very development of social networks and the loyalty of different target groups to different social networks inclines the leadership of domestic higher education institutions to conduct targeted activities in other social networks, in particular in TikTok and Telegram. According to the purpose and the chosen social network, the communication strategy of the higher education institution is being formed. According to the results of the research of the sites of domestic higher education institutions, a number of problems and their causes are revealed. The article proposes an algorithm for the development and implementation of the SMM strategy by domestic educational institutions and provides practical recommendations for communication and interaction with potential applicants in social networks.
Keywords:marketing strategy, SMM strategy, promotion strategy, target market, social networks, target audience
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