UDC 336.7; JEL G10, G15 Ahres, O. H., & Tomashevskyy, Yu. M. (2024). Vplyv heopolitychnykh faktoriv na fondovyy rynok [Influence of geopolitical factors on the stock market]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 111 (1), 59-64. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-1-6 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 9
Ahres Oksana HryhorivnaPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of finance, banking and insurance of the Lviv National Agrarian University
Contacts: oksana_agres@ukr.net
Tomashevskyy Yuriy MykhaylovychPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of international economic relations and marketing of the Lviv National Agrarian University
Contacts: tomashum@gmail.com
ResumeThe article notes that geopolitical factors are considered important in influencing the global economy and international stock markets. They can cause significant fluctuations in securities prices and trigger financial crises. The globalization of the economy has made companies more dependent on the external environment, including the political situation in other countries. The article outlines the main geopolitical factors that influence stock markets, namely war and conflicts, political changes, economic sanctions, and global crises. The expediency of diversifying an investment portfolio in order to reduce the possible risk of investing in certain countries or regions is substantiated, and recommendations regarding the investment in assets that are less sensitive to geopolitical factors are offered. The authors identify the consequences of the impact of economic sanctions and trade wars on global stock markets and the investment climate, in particular, falling security prices, increased uncertainty, and rising risks. Attempts to minimize risks by the US and EU governments are considered. The main legislative acts regulating the stock market are studied. The article reveals that US and EU legislation have many common features aimed at protecting investors and ensuring transparency in the stock market. The authors recommend that the experience of these and other countries in the stock market should be applied in Ukraine, which will provide additional protection and equalize the differences in the development of the Ukrainian securities market. The article identifies the advantages of implementing foreign experience: attracting foreign investment; creating a transparent and efficient stock market; and protecting investors’ rights. The authors analyze the performance of the Ukrainian stock market in 2021-2023. To develop the stock market of Ukraine, it is necessary to solve the existing problems, in particular, to increase the financial literacy of the population, develop the institutional framework, and improve legislation. It is extremely important to conduct a thorough analysis of Ukrainian legislation and US and EU legislation to determine which provisions can be adapted to the domestic market, to ensure broad public discussion of draft laws that will be developed to adapt US and EU legislation to Ukrainian realities, and to conduct effective monitoring of the implementation of the new legislation.
Keywords:stock market, investments, securities, investment portfolio, investment climate
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