Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2024.02.133

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.48; JEL Z32
Slipetskyy, M. I., Marhita, M. V., & Danylo, Ya. I. (2024). Sutnist' ta osoblyvosti klasternoho pidkhodu v upravlinni turystychnoyu sferoyu [The nature and features of the cluster approach to tourism industry management]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 112 (2), 133-139. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 21


Slipetskyy Marko Ihorovych

Postgraduate of the Department of public governance and administration of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



Marhita Mykhaylo Vasylyovych

Ph.D. of Economics

Deputy Mayor of the Uzhgorod City Council



Danylo Yaroslav Ivanovych

Postgraduate of the Department of economics of the Uzhhorod National University




In today’s tourism market, it is necessary to consider the efficiency of using the cluster approach to the development of tourism industries at the regional level. While the concept of territorial community development usually includes missions, goals, and a general vision, the purpose of the concept, i.e. the strategic activity direction of the management object, is not always defined. This may lead to insufficient attention to the use of the cluster approach in the tourism industry, which may prevent the maximum use of the region’s tourism development capacity. Thus, the definition of the concept of territorial community development with the inclusion of the cluster approach is becoming an urgent problem that needs to be researched and addressed. The article aims to examine the nature and features of the cluster approach to the management of the tourism industry. The authors address the topical issue of implementing a cluster approach to the development of tourism industries at the regional level. Analysis of recent studies reveals that it is necessary to study the concept of clustering in more detail in the context of the tourism industry, as it can help optimize resources and increase tourist flow. Further research suggests applying the theoretical foundations of the cluster approach to determine strategies for the development of tourist regions. The article emphasizes the importance of forming clusters that include different components of the tourism industry and preparing regional strategies that integrate clusters into the overall development plan. Based on the analysis of modern scientific sources and studies, the capacity and challenges of applying the cluster approach in the management of tourism industries are revealed. Another important aspect of the study is the identification of the main stages of cluster formation and evaluation of their efficiency in the context of global tourism development trends. The article contributes to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms for optimizing the tourism industry through clustering, which is of great importance for the strategic development of tourism at the local and national levels.


development of clusters, innovation potential, management, tourism sphere, regional development, strategy, strategic planning, competitive advantages


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