Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2024.03.037

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.145; JEL O18, O20, R58
Melnyk, M. I., & Leshchukh, I. V. (2024). Orhanizatsiyno-instytutsiyne zabezpechennya ta stratehichne upravlinnya rozvytkom ahlomeratsiy [Organizational and institutional support and strategic management of the development of agglomerations]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 113 (3), 37-51. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 22


Melnyk Maryana Ivanivna

Doctor of Economics, Professor

Head of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:, (032)270-70-53, (+38099)72-93-873


Leshchukh Iryna Volodymyrivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Senior Researcher, Scientific Secretary of the unit of the Department of spatial development of the Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine

Contacts:,, (+38096)751-33-89



The article examines the European experience of organizational and institutional support and strategic management of the development of agglomerations/metropolises from the point of view of the possibilities of its application in Ukraine. In this context, the experience of the formation and development of the urban agglomeration “Greater London” (Great Britain), the metropolitan area of Barcelona (Spain), the metropolis of Lyon (France), the metropolis of Turin (Italy), the Krakow agglomeration (Poland) and the Riga metropolis (Latvia) is analysed. The main factors of success and drivers of the development of European agglomerations/metropolises are highlighted, in particular: (1) clear legislative regulation of the organizational and legal foundations of the formation of urban agglomerations/metropolises, principles and mechanisms of interaction of administrative units within agglomerations, etc.; (2) high institutional capacity of management bodies; (3) transition to planning based on partnership relations between governing bodies; (4) coordination of planning documents of member municipalities of the agglomeration, agglomeration, region, country. Orientation when planning the development of the agglomeration on the trends and strategic priorities of the development of the European Union; (5) taking into account the environmental component when strategizing development; (6) constant monitoring of the implementation of the strategic plan for the development of agglomerations. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were formulated regarding the improvement of organizational and institutional support and strategic management of the development of agglomerations of Ukraine in the conditions of modern challenges. In particular, the emphasis is placed on the need for: (1) institutionalization of the status of agglomerations; (2) determination of criteria for identification of relevant territorial units as agglomerations and delimitation of agglomeration spaces; (3) regulation of principles, measures and main approaches to managing the development of agglomeration on the basis of decentralization and deconcentration; (4) formation of a special advisory body at the agglomeration management body for coordination and monitoring of its development and functioning.


urban agglomeration, metropolis, strategic management, strategic development planning, agglomeration development strategy


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