UDC 332.834; JEL E66, L74, R21, R31 Oleksyuk, H. V., & Vavrynchuk, O. P. (2024). Budivnytstvo sotsial'noho zhytla: problemy ta perspektyvy rozvytku [Construction of social housing: problems and prospects for development]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 113 (3), 72-80. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-3-6 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 14
Oleksyuk Hanna VasylivnaPh.D. of Economics, Associate Professor
Associate Professor of the Department of economics and marketing of the Academic Institute of Spatial Planning and Advanced Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Contacts: h_oleksyk@ukr.net
Vavrynchuk Oleksandra PavlivnaStudent of the Department of architecture and restoration of the Academic Institute of Architecture and Design of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Contacts: olexandravavrunchyk@gmail.com
ResumeThe construction of social housing has always been relevant in a society and a state that cares about the quality and standard of living of every person. There are international standards in the world for providing social housing to a part of the population that, due to their physiological, social and economic capabilities, including external factors, cannot own housing with high benefits and comfort. At the same time, the right to adequate housing is recognized by all UN Member States on the basis of ratified international agreements containing obligations to protect the human right to an adequate standard of housing. The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of formation of the social housing fund in the context of the components of the legal, architectural and spatial approach, economic principles and resource provision for creating a comfortable living environment for the population. The article reveals the peculiarities of social housing construction in modern conditions, intensification of the formation of the social housing fund, and growth of its volume during the period of martial law and Russian aggression in Ukraine, and post-war reconstruction of the country. Today, there are no universal international legal documents in international practice that would regulate the general norms of social housing provision in the world. International standards include only the norm which guarantees the human right to housing as such, and therefore each country develops its own legislative and regulatory documents in this area. The author examines the legislative and legal regulation of the principles of spatial and economic planning and construction of housing in Ukraine, outlines the features of the State Building Standards (SBS) for the construction and reconstruction of social housing. The author analyses the powers and programmes for the creation of social housing at the regional and territorial level on the example of Lviv Regional State Administration and Lviv City Council, in particular, the construction of a residential complex near the UNBROKEN rehabilitation center in Lviv.
Keywords:social housing, social housing fund, architectural and spatial planning, inclusiveness, sources of financial resources
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