Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Journal Regional Economy -- re2024.03.140

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 338.43:338.24; JEL L10, L21, Q13, O13
Starov, I. V. (2024). Orhanizatsiyno-ekonomichni mekhanizmy upravlinnya restrukturyzatsiyeyu ahrarnykh pidpryyemstv v umovakh intehratsiynykh protsesiv [Organizational and economic mechanisms for managing the restructuring of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of integration processes]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 113 (3), 140-148. DOI: [in Ukrainian].
Sources: 12


Starov Illya Volodymyrovych

Researcher of the Department of economics, management and transfer of innovations in animal husbandry of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine




The article substantiates the necessity of employing organizational and economic mechanisms for managing the restructuring of agricultural enterprises to enhance their competitiveness and adaptability amidst integration processes. The increasing importance of the agricultural sector for the national economy and food security has highlighted the need for agribusinesses to adapt and strengthen their market positions through effective restructuring strategies. This study characterizes key approaches to restructuring, including economic, organizational, strategic, financial, social, technological, and integrative perspectives. Each offers distinct benefits in transforming managerial and production processes. The economic approach, for example, emphasizes cost reduction and improved profitability through more efficient resource management. The article proposes practical mechanisms such as optimizing production processes, automating systems, restructuring financial management, and integrating agricultural enterprises into regional agro-industrial clusters. Examples of production optimization include implementing advanced monitoring systems, employing automation for precise land and crop monitoring, and using precision agriculture technologies to reduce costs related to fertilizers and pesticides. Such technological and organizational restructuring helps enterprises to reduce production costs and increase profitability. The financial restructuring approach is equally critical for addressing limited financial resources and outstanding debts. Strategies within this framework include negotiating with creditors to extend repayment terms, reducing interest rates, and preparing investment projects to attract strategic investors. The proposed framework encourages agricultural enterprises to utilize modern information technologies, innovative financial strategies, and cooperative models, thereby fostering a more robust and adaptive organizational structure capable of responding effectively to external and internal pressures.


agricultural enterprises, restructuring, organizational and economic mechanisms, competitiveness, integration processes, resource optimization, financial management, agro-industrial clusters, production efficiency, employee motivation


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