UDC 330:332; JEL G30, L21, M21 Potopnyk, B. P. (2024). Osoblyvosti zaluchennya inozemnykh investytsiy pidpryyemstvamy u povoyennyy period [Peculiarities of attracting foreign investment by enterprises in the post-war period]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 114 (4), 106-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36818/1562-0905-2024-4-11 [in Ukrainian]. Sources: 11
Authors Potopnyk Bohdan PavlovychPostgraduate of the Department of finance of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Contacts: potopnyk.bohdan.p@gmail.com
ResumeIn the context of the constant challenges posed to the Ukrainian economy by the postwar period, the resumption of operations of enterprises in various sectors of the economy is of great importance. The resumption of business operations is not limited to the restoration of production capacity, but also covers a wide range of economic and financial issues. In particular, the restoration of the material and technical base is becoming a priority task, which involves the reconstruction of production facilities, landscaping, optimization of intra-production logistics processes and restoration of human resources. The purpose of the article is to analyze and develop strategies for the recovery and further development of enterprises in the post-war period, with a special emphasis on the importance of financial support. The article analyzes the ongoing challenges posed by the postwar period to the Ukrainian economy, with an emphasis on the importance of restoring the operation of enterprises in various sectors of the economy. The impact of the long-term consequences of the war and the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic and financial stability of enterprises is investigated. The main directions of the necessary adaptation to European standards and market conditions in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the European Union are identified. The role of innovative approaches in restoring production capacities and developing new market niches is determined. The importance of financial support for recovery processes is summarized and strategic directions are developed to support the sustainable development of enterprises in the context of changed economic realities. The scientific approaches to ensuring economic sustainability through the introduction of innovations and high-tech developments, in particular in information technology, electronics, energy efficiency, and renewable energy, are analyzed. The impact of civic engagement and discussions on social platforms on the readiness of the population to restore infrastructure is assessed. International support is considered as a factor contributing to the effective recovery of Ukraine’s economy. The role of organizational and economic principles in the formation of an effective mechanism for attracting investment, which includes strategic planning at the level of enterprises and regions, is clarified.
Keywords:investments, foreign investors, post-war period, enterprises, mechanisms, pandemic
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