Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Antonyuk Dmytro Anatoliyovych

Antonyuk Dmytro Anatoliyovych

Doctor of Economics, Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor of the Department of management of organizations and logistics of the Zaporizhzhya National University




Mokiy Anatoliy Ivanovych

Pikh Mariya Zinoviyivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 334.722:332.122:330.837
Mokiy, A. I., Antonyuk, D. A., & Pikh, M. Z. (2015). Modelyuvannya instytutsional'noyi infrastruktury pidpryyemnytstva rehioniv na osnovi metodolohiyi nechitkoyi lohiky [Modeling of institutional infrastructure of entrepreneurship in the regions on the basis of fuzzy logic methodology]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 77(3). [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

Structural and institutional transformation of Ukraine’s economy, accelerated by signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, requires regions business infrastructure upgrade considering possibilities of the integration to the European Union regions infrastructure. Problems are intensified by low levels of regions business institutional infrastructure components, the lack of systematic, strategic development programming.The scientists have thoroughly examined the functioning and organizational-economic mechanisms of business infrastructure development, some areas and forms of business support, however, the study of the economic efficiency of regions business institutional infrastructure needs systematic deepening. Evaluation of the regions business institutional infrastructure effectiveness is proposed to be made based on fuzzy logic methodology because of the set of uncertain, sometimes hidden connections between its components at different levels of the system hierarchy. The purpose of the article is to simulate the regions’ business institutional infrastructure development using fuzzy logic methodology. Research methods include: fuzzy logic modeling, definition of business infrastructure integrated indicators using principal component analysis and evaluation of business efficiency using Data Envelopment Analysis. With these methods the optimal levels of business institutional infrastructure components have been determined. The necessity of creation of preconditions for the growth of integrated indicators of innovative, expert technical, enterprises interests representing and protecting, production promotion and transfer the regions business institutional infrastructure components in almost all regions, except Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Kharkiv and city of Kyiv, has been found. The methodology of calculation of regions business institutional infrastructure components integral index using the method of principal components, has important scientific and practical value and allows quantifying the degree of development of each infrastructure component and its impact on business in the regions. Obtained dependences and theoretical findings should be the basis for developing a strategy and operational measures to improve institutional business infrastructure in regions of country. 
entrepreneurship, institutional business infrastructure in regions, business infrastructure components, modeling, fuzzy logic 


Antonyuk, D. A. (2015). Rozvytok іnstytutsіonal’noyi іnfrastruktury pіdpryyemnytstva rehіonu v protsesі yevropeys’koyi іntehratsiyi[The development of institutional business infrastructure of the region in European integration process]. Lviv: Dolishniy Institute of Regional Research of NAS of Ukraine. [in Ukrainian]. {re2019.02.067.005}

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