Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Chaplyha Volodymyr Vyacheslavovych

Chaplyha Volodymyr Vyacheslavovych

Senior Lecturer of the Department of accounting and audit of the Lviv Institute of the University of Banking




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 336.71:330.131.7
Chaplyha, V. V. (2013). Upravlinnya operatsiynym ryzykom v zabezpechenni efektyvnosti funktsionuvannya banku [Operational Risk Management in Ensuring the Effective Functioning of the Bank]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 70(4), 150-156. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 10

The issues of definition and management of operational risk, its continuous monitoring and auditing are considered. An integrated approach to the formation of operational risk management system based on national and international standards as an important factor in ensuring the continuity and effectiveness of the bank activity is proposed. 
operational risk, assessment, monitoring, risk management system, integrated approach, standards, effectiveness of functioning, bank 

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