Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Felenchak Yuliya Bohdanivna

Felenchak Yuliya Bohdanivna

Ph.D. of Economics

Associate Professor of the Department of sports tourism of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture




Shevchuk Lyubov Teodorivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research Felenchak, Yu. B., & Shevchuk, L. T. (2009). Analiz i otsinka ryzyku demohrafichnykh vtrat: innovatsiyni pidkhody ta metody (na materialakh L'vivs'koyi oblasti) [Analysis and Estimation of Risk of Demographic Losses: Innovative Approaches and Methods (by Materials of the Lviv Region)]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 51(1), 272 p. [in Ukrainian]. 

The basic factors of the forming of demographic losses risk of the Lviv region in the territorial aspect have been determined. Comparison of indicators of natural and mechanical demographic losses in urban settlements and rural locality during 1990-2007 has been carried out. The methods of estimation of risk of demographic losses are outlined. Advantages of statistical method of quantitative estimation of risk of demographic losses have been substantiated. The quantitative estimation of demographic losses risk of the region in the cut of administrative-territorial districts has been carried out. The prognosis sizes of the distributing of levels of demographic losses risk within the Lviv region have been offered. 
risk of demographic losses, natural losses, migratory losses, quantitative estimation of risk, risk degree 

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