Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Filip Stanislav

Filip Stanislav

Doctor of Philosophy, Engineer

Vice-Rector for International Co-operation and Public Relations of the School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava (Slovakia)




Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 330.131.7:658(437.6)
Filip, S. (2012). Risk Management at Regional Level in the Slovak Republic. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 63(1), 224-227.

Sources: 9

The theoretical and practical aspects of risk management are considered in case of occurring of accidents at regional level in the Slovak Republic in order to identify the reasons and possibilities of their prevention on the phase of risk origin. The theoretical analysis of aspects of safety providing is conducted at state and personal level and basic principles of risk management are defined. The practical methods of management of unforeseeable situations origin risks are also considered at regional level in the Slovak Republic, namely authentication, analysis, estimation of risks, methods of their management and fight against situations that occurred as the consequence of accidents. 
risk management, levels of management, the Slovak Republic 

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