Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Halo Miklosh

Halo Miklosh

Ph.D. of Economics

Director of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies of the University of Nyiregyhaza in Hungary




Almashi (Sharandakova) Lyudmyla Vasylivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.142:[339.923:061.1](439)
Halo, M., & Almashi, L. (2011). Rehional'na polityka rozvytku Uhorshchyny ta yiyi realizatsiya v ramkakh prohram Yevropeys'koho Soyuzu [Regional Development Policy in Hungary and its Implementation in the Framework of Programme of the European Union]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 62(4), 160-168. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 8

The issues of the regional development alignment of Hungarian regions, namely decentralization, reducing of the lag between separate regions, providing the publicity with equal chances of existence and development as well as foreign direct investment attraction to economically depressed eastern regions are outlined. The development plan of the New Hungary for the nearest future, in which Budapest domination should be declined, is analyzed. 
regional policy, decentralization, foreign investment 

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