Scientific and practical journal
Regional Economy

Havrysh Iryna Ivanivna

Havrysh Iryna Ivanivna

Postgraduate of the Department of marketing, innovation and regional development of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




Budnikevych Iryna Mykhaylivna


Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 332.021; JEL O18, R10, M39
Budnikevych, I. M., & Havrysh, I. I. (2017). Polityka pryvablyvosti rehioniv: sut', vydy ta uspishni praktyky [Regions’ attractiveness policy: nature, types and successful practices]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 85(3), 28-35. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 15

Relevance of the problem treatment concerning nature and formation mechanism of regional attractiveness policy is determined by the necessity to achieve balance between interests of separate target audiences’ (for example, investors), territorial communities’ and national interests. Therefore, it changes the task ranking of the regional attractiveness management from private to socially important. The fact that foundation of the current regional policy of attractiveness is laid on marketing approach and customer orientation is emphasized, which in turn implies a high degree of decentralization of decision-making and freedom of the local authorities in choosing the priority goals, methods, means and tools for forming, strengthening and enhancing the attractiveness of the region for different target audiences.
The article objective is to determine the nature and types of regional attractiveness policy and to provide description of successful foreign practices of their implementation.
The nature of regional attractiveness policy is examined as a set of goals, tasks, intentions, actions, methods, means, institutions aimed at drawing the attention of target audiences to a specific region. They are developed and implemented by territorial authorities with the active part of community members and they influence different types of attractiveness through territorial programs and development strategies.
It is noted that the marketing approach forms new directions and defines specific tasks of regional attractiveness policy. The policy subjects and objects are determined and the following types of regional attractiveness policy are examined: exogenous, endogenous, formalized and non-formalized policy.
The definition is proposed and the nature of certain types of regional policy is considered: active/stimulating regional policy of attraction provides active actions to create the necessary conditions and institutions, which make the region more attractive for the target audiences to establish new types of activities (to curtail ineffective ones), new forms of social relations, enhancement of the region innovation and use of the territorial community members’ creative potential; compensatory regional attractiveness policy is aimed at supporting stability of the institutional environment; adaptive regional attractiveness policy is directed at the continuous situational creating of conditions and developing of means that promote the leveling of threats and reducing the uncertainty of activity expediency in the region under conditions of pre-crisis, crisis and critical state; counteractive regional attractiveness policy is aimed at: reducing of territories’ attractiveness with varying degrees of influence for unwanted target audiences, constraining objective development processes of separate branches of regional economy (varying from temporary hindering to creating impasse) and ensuring selective support for individual projects and programs. It is noted that each type of regional attractiveness policy provides for the development and implementation of regional programs that consider features, needs, interests, expected benefits of each target audience. Special attention is paid to successful foreign practices in the implementation of their tools.
It is concluded that the marketing approach to regional attractiveness policy implies multivariate regional development, version diversity for interaction and partner models, selection of effective technologies, methods and tools for its implementation, taking into account successful practice of developed countries with its obligatory adaptation to native conditions.
Experience in forming and implementing regional attractiveness policy in foreign countries offers a wide variety of effective marketing strategies, technologies and tools that are distinguished by complex approach, pre-term orientation, detailing, precise structuring, interconnection with other regional programs, taking into account the influence of a separate project on all indicators of the regional development. The effectiveness of regional attractiveness policy in foreign countries is ensured by its institutional capacity that is the interconnection and interdependence of all the types of attraction considering interests of different participants. 
regional policy of attraction, regions’ attraction policy, marketing approach, policy types, stimulating regional policy, compensatory regional policy, adaptive regional policy, counteractive regional policy, successful practices 

Repository of Institute of Regional Research UDC 339.138:332.146.2; JEL O18, R10, R38, M39
Budnikevych, I. M., & Havrysh, I. I. (2016). Kontseptsiya terytorial'noho marketynhu yak osnova formuvannya ta pidvyshchennya pryvablyvosti rehioniv [Territorial marketing concept as a basis of formation and increase of territories attraction of the regions]. Rehional'na ekonomika - Regional Economy, 81(3), 76-85. [in Ukrainian].

Sources: 14

The article regards the instruments of formation and improvement of territories attraction in the framework of situational and strategic marketing concepts. It determines that within the production concept attraction is not the object of active marketing influence, in the framework of product marketing concept the territories attractiveness is determined by its unique characteristics, sales concept of territorial marketing presupposes orientation of territorial authorities’ activity towards increase of investment attractiveness of territories. The strategic concepts of marketing: classical, social-ethical and partnership concepts are regarded as perspective concepts of territorial marketing that help creating the adequate system of administration of territories attractiveness.
The system of multi-attributive territorial product is described; it consists of three levels and forms the attractiveness separately for each target group. The role of marketing complex elements is distinguished in formation of territories attractiveness of foreign countries.
Certain economic theories that form the notional system of territories attractiveness are specified (investment attractiveness, business or entrepreneurship attractiveness, tourist, settlement and migrational attractiveness).
The notion of marketing policy of territories attractiveness is introduced; it consists of a set of activities directed at attraction of attention of target groups to certain territory; it is elaborated and realized by territorial authorities with active participation of community members and as an element of territorial development programs and strategies influences business, investment, innovational, tourist, social, migrational, ecological, infrastructural and other types of attractiveness of the territory. It is determined that according to marketing approach the territories attractiveness is a reflection of level of meeting of demands and expectations of target groups. The authors determine attractiveness as a potential of territories from the point of view of level of meeting and perspectives of increasing demands of target groups in case of their choosing of the given territory (city, region, country) for activity (visiting, living, activity, investment etc.) with account to the set goals and their opportunities.
Rating indicators of Chernivtsi region attractiveness are described, attention is drawn to the fact that each of ratings that are established nowadays in Ukraine and abroad is quite subjective (even if it is based on quantitative indicators), contradictive, it includes results of evaluation of selected general and specific factors and can be considered only as a certain oriented material for the target group.
Special attention is paid to the fact that marketing efforts can be concentrated on forming of complex of sustainable long-term advantages of Chernivtsi region directed at improvement of the attractiveness of territorial product in comparison with other territories for determined target groups. Competitiveness of territories in this case is provided by mutual completing of social, business, investment, innovational, recreational, tourist, educational, financial attractiveness that will foster establishment of long-term partnership relations with target groups.
Among the perspective issues that are planned for considering in further investigations are: marketing and counter-marketing instruments which will be directed to undesirable target groups for certain territories. 
territories attractiveness, marketing approach, marketing attractiveness policy, territorial marketing concepts, strategic marketing concepts, situational marketing concepts, territorial marketing instruments 

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